People are speaking up against Chevron's unfair and selfish demands.
An article by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship criticizing Chevron's attempt to force Joe Berlinger to turn over unused footage from his documentary "Crude" appeared on the Huffington Post recently. More details on The Chevron Pit
It all started with a trip to Iceland a few years ago and a stranded polar bear. A polar bear swam all the way from Greenland to Reykjavik shore in search of food. It died of exhaustion. Because of the climate change, ice is melting and bears are forced to swim far from the shore to find food. They are not able to swim long distances and either get stranded in places where there’s not sufficient food or die of exhaustion.
I decided to ‘go green.’ You will never see me with a plastic bag. EVER! And you don’t even know how many fights I had with my boyfriend over not bringing any into our house. Many of my friends have received recycling containers as presents from me. People say I’m crazy but I’m hoping it’s contagious and together we will make a difference!
This blog is my way to let people know about environmental and humanitarian crisis in Ecuador. Texaco’s (now Chevron) oil waste pits leaked oil and contaminated land and drinking water in the Amazonian jungle. People are getting sick and dying and Chevron is denying.
I can’t do much to help but I decided I’m going to post whatever I find about Chevron’s crimes in Ecuador here.
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